The solution-oriented LEGO® Serious Play® Certification in Switzerland

Learn more about the LEGO® Serious Play® Certification in Switzerland to become Facilitator this powerful method.

Table of Contents

Is LEGO® Serious Play® training worth it?

Would you like to strengthen collaboration in your team?

Would you like to put an end to boring meetings?

Would you like to learn a method to effectively accompany teams as a coach or consultant?

In these and many other cases, it is worth being a certified facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® method.

LEGO® Serious Play® certification in Switzerland by dr. serious:

In addition to the classroom training, our certification courses include further support to enable participants to develop and conduct their own meetings and workshops with the LEGO® Serious Play® method directly after certification.
In addition, each participant receives a comprehensive workshop guide with templates, examples, explanations and many practical tips.

How do I become a certified LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator with dr. serious?

You register with us for one of the training courses and learn the history, process and application of this extremely effective method.

Each of our courses (Bronze – 1 day / Silver – 2 days / Gold 4 days) has a specific focus and application area. Read more about it in the course descriptions or contact us. Together we will find out which course best suits your needs.

After the training you will receive the certificate and will be able to conduct workshops and meetings with the LEGO® Serious Play® method yourself.

How much does a certified LEGO® Serious Play® training cost?

A training to become a “Certified facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play® method & materials” lasts one, two or four days and costs between CHF 890.-, CHF 1490.- or CHF 2890.-.

Snacks, drinks and lunch are included.

How does LEGO® Serious Play® work?

One picture says more than 1000 words and one model contains and brings to light numerous pictures and perspectives.

That is exactly why the LEGO® Serious Play® method is so impactful and efficient.

Do you want to experience it?

Remote Try Out Sessions – simple sign-up via Calendly

Before the session:

During the session:

After the session:

Your solution-oriented LEGO® Serious Play® Certification in Switzerland

Before the session:

Before the session:

In case you don’t hear back from us, please contact as via email or phone +41 76 327 3993.

In need of an experienced workshop facilitator now?

Be it team building, strategy development, company or team value alignment, leadership develoment or conflict resolution, we will find the fitting approach and method for your need.

Have a look at our offers regarding coaching, team building & organizational development:

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